Make an appointment with your Career Development Counselor to become familiar with our resources
Identify majors that relate to your abilities and interests. Make an appointment to use FOCUS2. Discuss results with your Academic Advisor and Career Counselor
Learn more about yourself: Identify personal interests, values, skills and abilities
Network! Talk to family, friends, faculty and staff about the nature of their jobs. Attend networking and alumni events on campus
Attend Career Presentations and Workshops sponsored by Career Development Office
Join a club or organization relevant to your interests
Contact Alumni through LionLink and conduct informational interviews
Sophomore Year: Explore Career Alternatives
Explore relevant work experiences such as internships, externships, co-ops, volunteer work and career-related part time employment
Work with your Academic Advisor to learn about requirements for majors. Target electives related to your career interest
Conduct informational interviews and spend a day shadowing someone in your field of interest
Become aware of general career trends and future employment needs. (Work with Career Development to Identify)
Attend Career Presentations and Workshops sponsored by Career Development Office
Declare your major! If still undecided, make an appointment with Career Development to explore FOCUS2, and meet with your academic advisor
Junior Year: Initiate Career Preparation
Research employment options available to you in your chosen major
Continue to increase your skills and awareness through meaningful career-related activities and work
Make an appointment with your Career Counselor to discuss internship opportunities
Contact alumni by enrolling in LionLink
If considering graduate study, begin researching potential schools and graduate school exam schedules
Register on Nittany Lion Career Network to apply for current job and internship opportunities
Attend Career Presentations and Workshops sponsored by Career Development Office
Continue to talk with professionals in your field about job search techniques and opportunities
Senior Year: Implement Career Choice
Complete an internship in your chosen field regardless of whether or not one is required – Career Development Office can help
Make an appointment with Career Development to finalize your resume, to learn about upcoming job search skills programs and recruiting opportunities
Join a professional association related to your chosen field
Attend Job Fairs
If attending graduate school, complete application process
Prepare for the interview - attend a mock interview session with Career Development or use InterviewPrep
Update resume on Nittany Lion Career Network, emphasizing career related experience
Collect references
Begin active job hunting, utilizing campus resources, as well as networking