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A person playing a didgeridoo into a microphone

DuBois concert to offer musical journey to the Australian outback on Nov. 29

Didge Evolution will take the audience on a musical journey to the Australian outback, coastal rainforests and beyond. This free, public event is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, in Hiller Auditorium on the Penn State DuBois campus. The program is presented by the Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement as part of the Diversity, Arts, and Lecture Series.
Charles E. Hunnell poses at the Penn State Fayette Lion Bench

Charles E. Hunnell establishes scholarship at Penn State Fayette

Charles E. Hunnell, of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, has pledged $200,000 to establish the Florence Vernon Hunnell Scholarship at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus. The scholarship, named for Hunnell’s late mother, will benefit full-time students at the campus, with preference given to Greene County residents.