Thank you for your interest in Penn State University. The following check sheet is designed to walk you through the admissions process. The steps outlined below are the same for any Penn State campus. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Admission Checklist
A completed application includes:
Online application
Transcripts from all colleges attended
$50 application fee
High school transcripts
1. Apply Online
You must go through the sign-in process before you can apply!*
Go to Penn State's site for Transfer Students
Click on "APPLY" under "Take the Next Step"
Click on "CREATE A "MyPennState" PROFILE"
*A credit card is needed for the $50.00 application fee.
2. High School Information
HAVE HIGH SCHOOLS SEND official transcripts to:
The University Park campus at:
Undergraduate Admissions Office, 201 Shields Building, University Park, PA 16804
High schools may fax your transcripts directly to our office. These are considered official.
If you will be delivering transcripts to our campus they must be sealed when delivered to be considered official.
If you have a GED, we will accept your copy of your scores.
3. College Information
FORWARD transcripts from all colleges you have attended to the University Park campus at:
Undergraduate Admissions Office, 201 Shields Building, University Park, PA 16804
Penn State averages the combined grades of all attempted college credits. In order to be eligible for admission you must have at least a 2.0 cumulative (this requirement may vary from major to major).
Once offered admission you will receive an OFFICIAL CREDIT EVALUATION along with your acceptance letter.
Checking the Status of Your Application
CHECK THE STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION in your "MyPennState" PROFILE (so please save your password).
* Advising Credit Evaluation: Evaluate your transfer courses using Penn State's transfer course evaluation guide. You can do this on your own or fax/email our office all of your unofficial college transcripts and we will print them out and schedule an appointment for an unofficial review.
* Penn State admissions determines which credits transfer into the University, Penn State advising determines which credits count toward graduation.
Advising Checklist
For advising before applying:
(Do the following only if you have been asked to do so by an admissions counselor.)
Send (fax or email) all (unofficial) college transcripts to the Penn State Brandywine admission office for an unofficial review. Make sure to write your name, date of birth, and contact information along with a reminder of what you need me to do for you.
Schedule an appointment with an adviser. You and the adviser should be able to figure out what classes might count toward graduation, how long it might take you to graduate, and possibly come up with a sample of classes for which you can register.
Schedule an appointment with the transfer admission officer (610-892-1225) on the same date of your advising appointment, to review admissions procedures and to provide you with an unofficial evaluation of your transcripts. YOU WILL NEED THIS DOCUMENT FOR YOUR ADVISING MEETING.
For advising after admissions offer:
Along with your acceptance letter you will receive an official credit evaluation.
Pay your $230.00 enrollment fee (this will allow an adviser to do an audit for you).
Schedule an appointment with your adviser to see how long it will take you to graduate and to come up with a class schedule. Based on your major and number of credits, the adviser you need to meet is:_______________
Financial Aid Checklist
Important Dates
January 1: FAFSA form available
April 15: Penn State preferred filing date for transfer students
May 1: Deadline for state grant monies
Fill out FAFSA online at
Cannot be sent prior to January 1
Penn State Financial Aid Number: 003329 (for all Penn State campuses)
It is important to fill out a FAFSA form:
to obtain loans
some scholarships require it
Changing Your Application
IF YOU HAVE SELECTED A SCHOOL other than Penn State and have now decided to attend Penn State, contact the Department of Education or FAFSA in order to change where your financial aid information will be sent.
Contact Information
Department of Education
Penn State DuBois Financial Aid Office