Procedures for Requesting Adjustments, Aids, and Services
The student must self-disclose the need for services to the Office for Student Disability Resources. The student should schedule an appointment for an intake interview. The student is required to provide diagnostic documentation from a licensed professional. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the documentation and present a copy to the Disability Resources Coordinator for review. The documentation must meet Penn State’s guidelines for documenting a disability. For further information, go to our website.
The documentation must include the student’s specific current functional impairments and describe how the impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Students interested in obtaining disability services should begin the process as early as possible and before classes begin. If additional information is needed during the process, the review could be delayed, which could also delay the delivery of the adjustments, aids, and/or services.
Steps for Obtaining Services
- Student self-discloses need for services to the Office for Student Disability Resources.
- Intake meeting is scheduled between Office for Student Disability Resources Coordinator and student.
- An intake interview is conducted and will include a discussion of reasonable accommodations needed, release of information, confidentiality, possible services, and rights and responsibilities.
- ODS requests, and receives, appropriate documentation of disability.
- Documentation is reviewed by OSDR staff to determine appropriateness of information. If the information does not determine that student has a disability, further information may be requested.
- OSDR and student work together to determine necessary accommodations; accommodation letter is drafted.
- Accommodation letter is reviewed with and signed by student. Student is given copies to present to professors. Professor signs letter also and returns to Office for Student Disability Resources.
Student is responsible for presenting accommodation letter to faculty. Student is also responsible for letting ODS know of any problems with the accommodations.