Seed grants foster engineering research collaborations among Penn State campuses

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses and College of Engineering have created a seed grant program that aims to foster research collaborations between engineering faculty at the University Park campus and at the Commonwealth Campuses.

“This collaborative initiative will connect engineering faculty members who have mutual research interests and complementary technical expertise, and will provide seed funding that enables them to forge new partnerships and conduct new research projects,” said Madlyn Hanes, Penn State vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor.

“Dr. Madlyn Hanes has been a phenomenal partner in building these bridges that are already enhancing education and research at Penn State,” said Amr Elnashai, Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of Engineering. “Our hope is that the Multi-Campus Seed Grant program, in conjunction with the well-established Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates program, advances new collaborations in promising fields, and encourages Penn State engineering faculty at all campuses to develop innovative contributions that help society and are aligned with the college’s strategic plan.”

Four Multi-Campus Seed Grants, worth up to $25,000 each, are available for the current funding period.

The deadline for proposals is March 6. Faculty members can submit no more than one proposal for consideration in this year’s program.

Projects will be selected by a committee of faculty members and administrators from the Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, Commonwealth Campuses, and College of Engineering, and completed during the summer of 2017.

Additional eligibility and application information is available on the College of Engineering’s website
