This summer, the Penn State DuBois Arts, Science and Technology Institute will offer seven youth camps during the weeks of June 12-16, and June 19-23, 2017, for students entering grades 7 - 12. The courses focus on theatre, fly fishing and fly tying, perfume making, forensics and mock trial, mosaic art, wild turkey, teen entrepreneur, and music making on an iPad.
The primary goal of the Penn State DuBois Summer Youth program is to provide challenging, educational activities for students of various grade levels.
"We are devoted to sparking an interest in science, technology, and the arts," says Dr. Carolyn Jacobson, director of Penn State DuBois Outreach. "Our unique approach emphasizes creative learning and adventure through projects, field trips, experiments, game-play, and numerous hands-on activities."
Limited scholarships are available and will be awarded based on financial need and are given on a first-come, first-served basis until the funds have been depleted. Please call the Outreach Office at 814-375-4772 or email [email protected] to request an application. There are limited number of scholarships for camps so not everyone will be granted their first choice camp.
The Arts, Science and Technology Institute is made possible by Silver Sponsors Innovative Sintered Metals, Inc., and The Frank Varischetti Foundation; Bronze Sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Allenbaugh II,
Dr. and Mrs. George Fatula, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hummer, and Dr. George Kosco; and Friends of Penn State Dr. & Mrs. James Scerbo.
The course schedule is as follows:
Theatre – Mary Beth Geppart, Arts Manager & Dramaturge – Paul G. Reitz Theater of Cultural Resources Inc.
Get Out of Your Heads and Into the Scene:
Viewpoints Actor Training & Devised Theatre Creating
Grades 7-9
June Monday 12th, Wednesday 14th and Friday 16th - 1-3 p.m. - $69
Devised theatre is theatre that begins without a script. The script gets “written” as the rehearsal process takes place through a series of improvisations and collaborations. This course offers detailed exploration of every aspect of the devising process and valuable insights into the process of making theater collectively.
The course is designed for all who are interested in non-text-based theatre and intends to shine a practical light on the passionate business of the devising process. You will learn acting with Anne Bogart’s Viewpoint Training as our acting foundation. The most essential quality in learning Viewpoints Training is being open to what actually occurs in the group rather than what you had hoped would occur. We become authentic collaborators who work with a spirit of generosity.
Perfume Making – Dr. Francelys Medina – PSU DuBois Instructor and Lab Assistant in Science
Grades 7-9
June Monday 12th -9 a.m. to Noon - $62
Grades 10-12
June Wednesday 14th – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - $69
The wonders of scent!! Join us to discover and explore the art and science of making sweet fragrances and scents. A unique hands-on experience on fun science activity involving all senses while understanding the chemistry and the processes involved in the crafting and design of new fragrance blends. Let’s make it and wear it, too!
Forensics/Mock Trial – David Bish, Attorney and PSU DuBois Instructor in Administration of Justice
Guests include: Trooper David Ray – Criminal Investigation Assessment Officer, PSP Corporal (Retired) Robert Logan, PSP, and Judge John Foradora – President Judge, Jefferson County, PA.
Grades 9-12
June Tuesday 13th – 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. - $74
Learn what it takes to solve crimes and be part of the trial to see who’s guilty and who’s not. Penn State DuBois offers a hands-on class for those wanting to learn the skills that are used to collect crime scene evidence, interview witnesses and suspects, and then put that information to use in the courtroom. You will work alongside law enforcement professionals to assess the crime scene, collect forensic evidence and put your case together. Local attorneys will then help you interview witnesses and suspects to put together your court case and participate in a mock trial in front of a real judge.
You will receive hands-on experience working alongside professionals in the criminal justice system and learn information about real careers and the education it takes to be part of the law and order team. Pack a lunch!
Mosaic Art – Anna Cass, Artist and Owner of Anna’s Art and Soul – DuBois.
Grades 9-12
June Thursday 15th and Friday 16th – 9 a.m. to Noon - $89
Use your creative side to turn a plain mirror into a functional work of art! Join us to discover and explore the fun of mosaics. A unique hands-on experience that will allow you to use multiple textures and colors to form a pattern or unique, one-of-a-kind design. Create your artwork for yourself or give it as a gift. Show off your talents and have fun with learning techniques that you can use to decorate other items at home.
Teen Entrepreneur – Greg Sands, District Operations Manager of Junior Achievement
Grades 7-9
June Monday 19th – 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. - $74
Have you ever thought you would like to start your own business? This program will teach you the four key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs: believing in yourself; filling a need; knowing your customer and product; and being creative and innovative. You will participate in hands-on activities that will allow you to better understand the process of developing successful businesses ideas, and help you recognize that the next teen entrepreneur could be you! Pack a lunch!
Theatre – Mary Beth Geppart, Arts Manager & Dramaturge – Paul G. Reitz Theater of Cultural Resources Inc.
Get Out of Your Heads and Into the Scene:
Viewpoints Actor Training & Devised Theatre Creating
Grades 10-12
June Monday 19th, Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd - 1-3 p.m. - $69
Devised theatre is theatre that begins without a script. The script gets “written” as the rehearsal process takes place through a series of improvisations and collaborations. This course offers detailed exploration of every aspect of the devising process and valuable insights into the process of making theater collectively.
The course is designed for all who are interested in non-text-based theatre and intends to shine a practical light on the passionate business of the devising process. You will learn acting with Anne Bogart’s Viewpoint Training as our acting foundation. The most essential quality in learning Viewpoints Training is being open to what actually occurs in the group rather than what you had hoped would occur. We become authentic collaborators who work with a spirit of generosity.
Wild Turkey – Robert Erikson – Certified Wildlife Biologist and member of the National Wild Turkey Federation
Grades 7-9
June Tuesday 20th 9 a.m. – noon
$80 – includes take-home turkey call – or - $45 without turkey call (use in class only)
Grades 10-12
June Tuesday 20th 12:30-3:30 p.m.
$80 – includes take-home turkey call – or - $45 without turkey call (use in class only)
Do you want to learn what makes wild turkeys tick and learn to imitate their language? In this class, you will be introduced to the life history of the largest North American game bird and follow the important events in a year in the life. Indispensable habitat requirements of wild turkeys will be discussed and you will collect important summer foods much as a feeding wild turkey might. We will cover the history of wild turkey populations in Pennsylvania and learn of the economic importance of our rich wildlife resources. You will be introduced to some of the tools wildlife biologists use to capture and study wild turkeys and have a chance to use a radio telemetry receiver to plot azimuths (compass bearings) and map the location of a radio-tagged animal on a topographic map. We will locate the remains of a wild turkey and its nest to theorize what might have happened to the bird. Finally, we will discover the language of the wild turkey and learn how successful hunters call wild turkeys.
Fly Fishing/Tying – George Kutskel, PA Trout Unlimited
Will include time at Juniata Dam using the skills and recently tied lures from the class.
Grades 10-12
June Thursday 22nd – 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
$106 – includes take-home basic fly tying kit - or - $74 – without fly tying kit (use in class only)
Come and learn the basics of fly fishing. We will learn to cast, tie knots, and identify the various bugs that can be represented by artificial flies. We will also learn to set up a fly rod to be used effectively. You will be introduced to fly tying and given tips to allow you to continue to develop the skills necessary to become a fly fisher. A field trip is planned to the Tannery Dam during the last hours of class. If over 16, bring your fishing license. All PA Fish and Boat Commission rules and regulations apply. Pack a lunch.
Making Music on your tablet – Garageband – Fred Terwilliger - PSU DuBois Faculty (IST)
Grades 7-12
June Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd - $69
You no longer need to take years of lessons to create music anymore. Many famous artists are creating their sounds on their IPad before they enter the studio. This course will cover the basics of music theory and utilize Apple IPads and Garage Band to put that basic music theory to use on a number of different instruments. So download the latest version from the App Store onto your IPad and come to our workshop. The only limitations are your imagination.
Course requires student to bring their own IPad with Garage Band already downloaded.
To register for courses, visit www.dubois.psu.edu and click on “Outreach” and look for Youth Programs. Or call Sueann Doran at 814-375-4716 or John Brennan at 814-375-4836.