Wildlife Academy


wildlife paw

Wildlife Academy - Monday—Thursday, June 17 - 20, 2019, 9:00 am-Noon

This Academy is back by popular demand with some new activities added to the wide variety of wildlife technology and other outdoor activities introduced last summer.
Topics to potentially be covered on Monday and Tuesday by the Penn State DuBois Wildlife Technology faculty include bird banding, bird and snake identification, owl pellet dissection, radio telemetry, and marking animals. These activities are mostly outside and in the wetlands across the road from campus. **Please wear sneakers and comfortable outdoor clothes, use sunblock, and bring a water bottle.**
Wednesday will be a morning full of elk information and hands-on projects from a Conservation Education Specialist from the Elk County Visitors Center. Learn the basics about elks, antler scoring, and genetic diversity of elk. If time permits, students will participate in an escape room in which the “elk biologist” has gone missing.
For the final class of this Academy, Thursday, a Penn State Extension Educator will be working with students on aquatic macroinvertebrates (organisms without backbones that live in the water). With hands-on activities, including a short walk to a stream, students will learn how to identify different groups of macroinvertebrates, how to collect macroinvertebrates, and how to determine relative water quality based on the aquatic community. **Please wear or bring waterproof boots or old closed-toed shoes that can get wet/dirty in order to participate in this session.**