The North Central PA LaunchBox Powered by Penn State DuBois will help to administer a second round of funding for small businesses adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Clearfield County commissioners recently announced a second round of grant funding aimed at helping the local economy recover from losses suffered during the COVID outbreak through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The LaunchBox will work specifically with small businesses to process their applications and determine their losses. Small businesses who wish to apply for funding may do so at https://dubois.psu.edu/launchbox and can contact LaunchBox Director Brad Lashinsky at [email protected] or 814-375-4704.
Elected officials hope to assist municipalities and nonprofit organizations located in Clearfield County who complete the online application process at www.clearfieldco.org
Lisa Kovalick will administer the nonprofit grants. She can be reached at [email protected]
Municipalities with questions should email [email protected]
The portals will be open through 11:59 p.m. Nov. 15. No applications will be accepted after that date.
An initial round of funding was distributed beginning in September of Clearfield County’s $7,157,429 award from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Approximately $3 million remains to be distributed at this time.
Clearfield County Commissioners say there is a very limited window to grant these funds, as all CARES funds must be spent by Dec. 30. They ask that all applicants provide accurate information in order to receive the greatest consideration for funding. Detailed instructions can be found in the portals. Those entities that have received no other assistance, such as a PPP loan or other grants, will be given top priority.
Entities awarded a grant by Clearfield County in the prior round are ineligible for second-round funding. Small businesses and non-profit organizations which were denied funding are welcome to reapply if their financial situation has changed.
Second round small business grants are capped at $5,000 for those under $200,000 annual revenue, and at $10,000 for those with revenue above $200,000. Nonprofit and municipality amounts will be decided on a case-by-case basis.