1 College Place
DuBois, PA 15801
Dr. Waryoba's research interests focus on thermo-mechanical processing of metallic materials with emphasis on structure-processing-property relationship in these materials. Some of the research areas include experimental and numerical modeling methods to investigate and elucidate the mechanics occurring during plastic deformation, recrystallization, grain growth, and mechanisms responsible for the formation and development of deformation and recrystallization texture, microstructure, and grain boundary structure. Prior work experience includes postdoc research associate at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, FL. Current research directions include the optimization of properties in sintered powdered metals and additively manufactured parts.
Research Interests
Thermo-electrical-mechanical Processing of Metallic Materials
Structure-processing-property Relations
Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials
Additive Manufacturing
M. Caputo, O. Rashwan, D. Waryoba, K. McDade, Surface texture and thermo-mechanical properties of material extruded and ironed polylactic acid, Additive Manufacturing 59 (2022) 103084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2022.103084.
L. Paradis, D. Waryoba, K. Robertson, A. Ndayishimiye, Z. Fan, R. Rajagopalan, C.A. Randall, Densification and strengthening of ferrous-based powder compacts through cold sintering aided warm compaction, Adv. Eng. Mater. 24 (2022) 2200714. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202200714.
X. Xia, N. S. Al-Mamun, D. Waryoba, F. Ren, A. Haque, S. J. Pearton, Ga+-focused ion beam damage in n-type Ga2O3, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 40, 053403 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1116/5.0099892.
Z. Aalipour, A. Zarei-Hanzaki, A. Moshiri, H.R. Abedi, D.R. Waryoba, A. Kisko, L.P. Karjalainen, Strain dependency of dynamic recrystallization during thermomechanical processing of Mg-GdY-Zn-Zr alloy, J. Mater. Res. & Techn. 18 (2022), 591 – 598. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.02.120.
Haque A, Sherbondy J, Waryoba D, Hsu P, Roy S. Room-temperature stress reduction in welded joints through electropulsing, J. Mater. Proc. Techn. 299 (2022), 117391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2021.117391
Kidd J, Islam Z, Waryoba D, Haque A. Microstructural processing of steel at ambient surface temperature, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 814 (2021), 141233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2021.141233.
D. Waryoba, Z. Islam, T. Reutzel, A. Haque, Electro-strengthening of the additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V alloy, Mater. Sci. & Eng. A 798 (2020) 140062.
D. Waryoba, Z. Islam, B. Wang, A. Haque, Recrystallization Mechanisms of Zircaloy-4 Alloy Annealed by Electric Current, J. Alloys & Compounds 820 (2020) 153409.
M. Caputo, D.R. Waryoba; C.V. Solomon, Sintering Effects on Additive Manufactured Ni-Mn-Ga Shape Memory Alloys: A Microstructure and Thermal Analysis, J. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 5311–5321.
D. Waryoba, Z. Islam, B. Wang, A. Haque, Low temperature annealing of metals with electrical wind force effects, J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 35 (2019) 465-472.
D.R. Waryoba, J.S. Keist, C. Ranger, T.A. Palmer, Microtexture in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V fabricated using directed energy deposition, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 734 (2018) 149-163.
S. Nayir, D.R. Waryoba, R. Rajagopalan, C. Arslan, C.A. Randall, Cold Sintering of a Covalently Bonded MoS2/Graphite Composite as a High Capacity Li–Ion Electrode, ChemNanoMat 4 (2018) 1088-1094.
D.R. Waryoba, W. Roberts, Application of electromagnetic processing for development of high-performance sintered powder metal parts, Current Applied Physics 17 (2017) 1288-1297.
Waryoba, D. R. Enhancement of Diffusion Bonding of Silver Graphite to Copper by Severe Plastic Deformation, Ceramic Transactions 261 (2017) 137-151.
D.R. Waryoba, L.A. Demi, A. Fatula, A case study of interprofessional collaboration between engineering and health sciences students at Penn State DuBois, IEEE Integrated STEM Education (2016)43-49.
Waryoba, D. R. Thermal Stability of Electromagnetic Compressed FL-5305 PM Parts, Ceramic Transactions 259 (2016) 261-269.
D. R. Waryoba, P. V. Mtenga, J. Chakrabarty, and P. N. Kalu, Influence of deformation inhomogeneity on the annealing behavior of drawn oxygen-free high conducting copper, J. Mater. Res. 28 (2013) 774-784.
B. Z. Cui, L. Y. Zheng, D. Waryoba, M. Marinescu, and G. C. Hadjipanayis, Anisotropic SmCo5 flakes and nanocrystalline particles by high energy ball milling, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07A728 (2011).
Waryoba, D.R., Kalu, P.N., and Crooks, R., Grain-boundary structure of oxygen-free highconductivity (OFHC) copper subjected to severe plastic deformation and annealing, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 494 (2008) 47–51.
Waryoba, D.R., Kalu, P.N., and Crooks, R., Thermal Stability of the Microstructure of OFHC Cu processed by ECAE, Mater. Mag. 15 (2008), 17.
Kalu, E. E., Ramos, K., Waryoba, D., and Kalu, P., Polymer-Stabilized PdRuSe Nanoparticles for Oxygen Electrocatalysis, ECS Trans. 11 (2007) 261-269.
Cui, B.Z., Han, K., Xin, Y., Waryoba, D.R., and Mbaruku, A.L., Highly textured and twinned Cu films fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition, Acta Mater 55 (2007) 4429–4438.
Kalu, P.N. and Waryoba, D.R., A JMAK-microhardness model for quantifying the kinetics of restoration mechanisms in inhomogeneous microstructure, Mater. Sci. Eng. A464 (2007) 68–75.
Kalu, P.N. and Waryoba, D.R., Texture and Microstructure Variation in Severe Plastic Deformed OFHC Cu Wires, Mater. Sci. Forum 550 (2007) 509-514.
Waryoba, D.R. and Kalu, P.N., Recrystallization Behavior of ECAE Processed OFHC Copper, Microscopy and Microanalysis 12 (2006) 1040.
Waryoba, D. R., Kalu, P. N. Texture development in oxygen-free high conductivity copper deformed by equal channel angular extrusion, Scanning 28(2006) 121–123.
Waryoba, D. R., Kalu, P. N. On the Development of Texture in ECAE Processed OFHC Copper. Mater. Sci. Tech. -Assoc. Iron & Steel Tech. 1 (2006) 429.
Waryoba, D. R., and Kalu, P. N., The Effect of Homogenization on the Microtexture of Drawn OFHC Copper, Microscopy and Microanalysis 11(2005), p. 1694.
Waryoba, D. R., and Kalu, P. N., Deformation and Recrystallization Texture of Heavily Drawn OFHC Copper, Mater. Sci. Forum 495-497 (2005) 877-882.
Waryoba, D.R., Kalu, P.N., and Rollett, A.D., The Role of Orientation pinning in Statically Recrystallized OFHC Copper Wire, Metall. and Mater. Trans. 36A (2005), 205-215.
Waryoba, D. R., Kalu, P. N. Textural and microstructural inhomogeneities in drawn and annealed OFHC copper wire, Materials Science Forum 495 (2005) 895–900.
Waryoba, D. R., Kalu, P. N. The effect of homogenization on the microstructure of drawn OFHC Copper, Scanning 27(2005) 102–103.
Waryoba, D. R., Kalu, P. N. Orientation Imaging Microscopy: Sample Preparation for Heavily Drawn Copper wires, Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 (2003) 84.
Kalu, P. N., Waryoba, D. R., Van Sciver, S., Brandao, L. Restoration mechanisms in highly deformed Cu-based conductor wires, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 10 (2000) 1296–1299.
BS, Mechanical Engineering - University of Dar Es Salaam
MS, Mechanical Engineering - Carleton University
PhD, Mechanical and Materials Engineering - Florida State University