Van Usage Request Form

15-Passenger Van Usage Request Form

All fields must be completed.

Submission of this form is not a guarantee of a reservation. You will be notified by email with your reservation status.​

Important Spotted Lanternfly Information 

Clearfield County has been added to the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone. Therefore, you are required to take and pass the Spotted Lanternfly Training before you may reserve the van.

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone Map and FAQ

Spotted Lanternfly Training

Have you taken and passed the Spotted Lanternfly Training?

Unfortunately, you may not reserve the van at this time.

You must first take and pass the Spotted Lanternfly Training.

Travel cannot be approved until you pass the training and the certificate is on file with Business Services.

After you take and pass the training, you may proceed with reserving the van.