Penn State DuBois believed in my abilities and I was accepted after applying to University Park as my first choice. My favorite memory was my short time in Student Government Association (SGA). I had left the SGA to focus on my studies, but the work to try to benefit the University greatly inspired me.
When I was in high school, I was seen as a “comeback kid.” Every year, I would begin with poor, failing grades, but I would always recover to B’s, C’s, and the occasional A.
Success in high school tennis led me another university on tennis scholarship. At the time, I was dedicated to Computer Science, and this university didn’t support the degree. This soon became my biggest regret as I did not do well in classes and nearly dropped out.
With a strong support structure after I switched to Penn State DuBois, I climbed from a 1.3 GPA to a 2.7, switching to Information Technology in my second year, once again becoming the "comeback kid." With my Information Technology degree at Penn State DuBois, I want to take the study into the business sector and work to become a project manager, and maybe even start a business in the tennis and general sports industry.