Ribbon cutting at PAW Center grand opening Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Audience at PAW Center grand opening Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Audience at PAW Center grand opening Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Chancellor Jungwoo Ryoo speaking to audience Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Chancellor Jungwoo Ryoo at podium Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Painting reveal of Scott McBride and Charles Snapp Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Painting of Charles Snapp Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Painting of Scott McBride Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Jean Wolf speaking with Charles Snapp Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Committee Members & Donors of the PAW Center Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Charles E. Snapp Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Jean Wolf with donors of the PAW Center Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand David and Deborah Ross at the PAW Center grand opening Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Student speaker, Larissa James-LeBranche and Director of Athletics, Ken Nellis at the PAW Center grand opening. Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Chancellor Jungwoo Ryoo and former Chancellor Scott McBride Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Chancellor Jungwoo Ryoo and speakers at the PAW Center grand opening Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Jodi August and assistant at PAW Center grand opening Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Faculty and Staff attending the PAW Center grand opening Credit: Lindi Beer Expand Daniel B & Donna S. Kolhepp Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Joyce Fairmen Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand Christine M. Beretsel Credit: Kirkland Photography Expand