1 College Place
DuBois, PA 15801
Dr. Mino is a communication generalist whose primary focus is communication education. In 1980, she developed her oral interpretation skills training approach for Penn State's Reticence Program. She also designed for Penn State a new undergraduate course, "Personal and Interpersonal Skills," a communication skills training course that she taught from 1989 to 2015.
In addition to her book chapter, book reviews, and newsletter articles, Dr. Mino has published in state, regional, and national journals, including The Pennsylvania Scholar Series, The Pennsylvania Speech Communication Annual, Speech Communication Teacher, Basic Communication Course Annual, Communication Research Reports, and Qualitative Research.
Courses taught: CAS 100, 250, 455. She has also taught honors courses in public speaking, small group communication.
BA, Theatre Arts - Penn State
MA, Speech Communication - Penn State
PhD, Speech Communication - Penn State